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何宁,女,博士,教授,硕士研究生导师,燕山大学兼职博导,北京联合大学计算机科学与技术一级学科授权点学科带头人,2017年12月至2018年12月在英国东安吉利亚大学做访问学者。主要研究工作包括图像处理、计算机视觉等。近年来,在IEEE Transactions on Image Processing、IEEE Transaction on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology、Information Science、Neurocomputing、Signal Processing、电子学报等国内外顶级学术刊物上发表论文40余篇,SCI论文他引200多次,单篇论文他引100余次,出版专著1部,授权发明专利3项。其中发表在SCI期刊Neurocomputing上的文章“Single image dehazing with a physical model and dark channel prior”入选2015年ESI高倍引论文。近年来,作为项目负责人主持国家自然科学基金面上项目5项,北京市自然科学基金面上项目2项,北京市教委重点项目1项,北京市教委科技面上项目1项。作为主要成员参与北京市教委创新团队项目3项。研究成果获2012年度北京市科学技术二等奖(排名第4),中国电子学会电子信息科学技术二等奖(排名第4)。





2006/9—2009/7,首都师范大学,数学科学学院,应用数学专业 成像检测与图像处理方向,博士






Journal Articles

1. Xin Wang, Ning He*, Chen Hong, Qi Wang, Ming Chen: Improved YOLOX-X based UAV aerial photography object detection algorithm. Image Vis. Comput. 135: 104697 (2023)

2.Shengjie Liu, Ning He*, Cheng Wang, Haigang Yu, Wenjing Han:Lightweight human pose estimation algorithm based on polarized self-attention. Multim. Syst. 29(1): 197-210 (2023)

3.Yuzhe He, Ning He*, Haigang Yu, Ren Zhang, Kang Yan: From macro to micro: rethinking multi-scale pedestrian detection. Multim. Syst. 29(3): 1417-1429 (2023)

4. Ren Zhang, Ning He*, Shengjie Liu, Ying Wu, Kang Yan, Yuzhe He, Ke Lu: Your heart rate betrays you: multimodal learning with spatio-temporal fusion networks for micro-expression recognition. Int. J. Multim. Inf. Retr. 11(4): 553-566 (2022)

5. Ren Zhang, Ning He*, Ying Wu, Yuzhe He, Kang Yan: To balance: balanced micro-expression recognition. Multim. Syst. 28(1): 335-345 (2022)

6. Yuzhe He, Ning He*, Ren Zhang, Kang Yan, Haigang Yu: Multi-scale feature balance enhancement network for pedestrian detection. Multim. Syst. 28(3): 1135-1145 (2022)

7. Xiaojie Yin, Ning He*, Xiaoxiao Liu, Ke Lu: SHetConv: target keypoint detection based on heterogeneous convolution neural networks. Multim. Syst. 27(3): 519-529 (2021)

8.Ning He, Ruolin Wang, Yixue Wang: Dynamic MRI reconstruction exploiting blind compressed sensing combined transform learning regularization. Neurocomputing 392: 160-167 (2020)

9. Ruolin Wang, Ning He*, Yixue Wang, Ke Lu: Adaptively weighted nonlocal means and TV minimization for speckle reduction in SAR images. Multim. Tools Appl. 79(11-12): 7633-7647 (2020)

10. HE Ning, WANG Ruolin, LYU Jiayi, XUE Jian, Low-Rank combined adaptive sparsifying transform for blind compressed sensing image recovery, Chinese Journal of Electronics. 29(4):678-685 (2020)

Conference and Workshop Papers

1. Qixiang Sun, Ning He*, Ren Zhang, Haigang Yu, Shengjie Liu, Lightweight Graph Convolutional Network with Fusion Data for Skeleton Based Action Recognition, ICDIP, 2022

2. Congcong Zhang, Ning He*, Qixiang Sun, Xiaojie Yin, Kang Yan, Yuzhe He, Wenjing Han:

Lightweight Non-local High-Resolution Networks for Human Pose Estimation. ICIG (2) 2021: 410-422

2. Congcong Zhang, Ning He*, Qixiang Sun, Xiaojie Yin, Ke Lu: Human Pose Estimation based on Attention Multi-resolution Network. ICMR 2021: 682-687

3. Runchen Wei, Ning He*,  Ke Lu: YOLO-mini-tiger:Amur Tiger Detection. ICMR 2020: 517-524.


何宁,吕科 著,遥感图像处理关键技术,清华大学出版社,2015.


1. 高精度遥感卫星图像定位分析关键技术与应用,北京市科学技术二等奖,2012年,(个人排名第4)。

2. 气象卫星遥感图像处理分析关键技术与应用,中国电子学会二等奖,2012年,(个人排名第4)。


1. 何宁,王金宝,一种基于大气光散射物理模型的单幅图像去雾方法,专利号:zl201410508456.9, 发明专利,2017年

2. 何宁,张璐璐,一种基于K-means的高分辨率遥感地图道路提取方法,专利号:zl201410219942.9,发明专利,2017年。

3. 何宁,孙欣,一种图像矫正及文本与位置识别方法及系统,专利号:ZL 201910119284.9, 发明专利,2022年。


